When filling out your next 730 or unifed Italian tax form,
enter ASAI’s tax code
Donate your 5×1000
Your choice counts!
This year, too, you can donate your 5×1000 to ASAI, supporting hundreds of children, adolescents, and families in educational poverty.
No money is wasted; every single euro is used to provide educational and community activities, field trips, camps, artistic workshops, and developmental opportunities.
Designating your 5×1000 to ASAI is an invaluable gesture.

Tax Number 9762 6060 012
Why donate your 5×1000 to ASAI?
Because ASAI focuses its efforts in Turin’s most vulnerable neighborhoods and specifically targets minors and families living in situations of risk and social exclusion. A continuous process of reflection makes it possible to refine our responses to the diverse needs of the ever-changing migration phenomenon. The activities of our community centers are increasingly becoming part of a network of educational projects involving families, schools, social services, and area associations.
What is 5×1000?
5×1000 is the portion of your income tax that you can allocate to charities and associations. This is a voluntary and free donation with no additional charge on your tax return. The funds raised will be used to implement projects for education and integration to support young people.
How do you allocate the 5×1000?
On all Italian tax return forms (the unified tax form, 730, etc.), there is a box specifically for allocating the 5×1000. In the box, simply tick the allocation field in the upper left-hand corner dedicated to “Support for volunteerism, nonprofit organizations, associations for social benefit, associations and foundations.”
To donate your income tax to ASAI, simply enter ASAI’s tax ID number – 97626060012 and sign.
Even those who do not file income tax returns can allocate 5×1000
Even those who do not have to file income tax returns can request the card from their employer or pension provider. Once filled out, the form should be DELIVERED (not mailed) IN A CLOSED ENVELOPE to a post office, bank teller, or an intermediary authorized for electronic transmission (CAF, accountants, etc.). DESTINAZIONE CINQUE PER MILLE IRPEF should be written on the envelope, along with the taxpayer’s last name, first name, and tax number.
Thanks to those who already support us and those who wish to do so!
To learn more, write to sostenitori@asai.it